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We scour the internet daily to bring you the latest news, top stories and expert parenting advice & tips! Here’s what Mommies are talking about! Be in the know! Share your favorite #TrendingMommyTalk with your friends now!

Little girls battling cancer share good news: They're in remission!

Little girls battling cancer share good news: They're in remission!
Three little girls who won the Internet's heart when their photo went viral in early April have good news to share: They're all in remission. Rheann, 6, Ainsley, 4, and Rylie, 3, were all battling different types of cancer when they were brought together by Lora Scantling, a photographer.

57 Insightful Oprah Winfrey Quotes

57 Insightful Oprah Winfrey Quotes
Oprah Winfrey is an Amazing, inspirational Icon and is best known for her multi-award-winning talk show “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Oprah’s show was the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was the platform for her to become one of the most influential Woman in the ...

10 Ellen Quotes to Help You Love Your Laugh Lines

10 Ellen Quotes to Help You Love Your Laugh Lines
The daytime talk show host and selfie overlord has provided plenty of jokes that are more than just skin deep. Ellen has lived by a mantra of kindness and acceptance, but not in the usual style that you'd find in a Hallmark card. Some of her funniest moments come with an unexpected dose of ...

20 Craziest Places Moms Have Given Birth

20 Craziest Places Moms Have Given Birth
Sure, you may plan to give birth somewhere in particular -- hospital, home, or otherwise -- but as you well know, babies aren't the most cooperative sorts. When they want out, they want OUT! As proof, check out the craziest places moms have given birth.

13 Disneyland Secrets That’ll Surprise You

13 Disneyland Secrets That’ll Surprise You
Think you know all of the Disneyland secrets? The popular theme park harbors some deep, dark, and sometimes amusing secrets that you probably don't know.

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