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Today's Mom
Jul 23, 2013
Briana A.
Playing is learning.

Hi, my name is Briana and as a mother of two, my days get pretty busy. I've always wanted to inspire my kids to learn about the world and themselves. So after a couple days of thinking, I came up with the idea of teaching my kids through arts and crafts.

Crafts can be so simple at times. Who knew something like shaving cream could teach a kid about there senses, or that play dough could be made in so many different ways?

After doing so many, I found out that it is easy as a parent to forget what you did and did not do, so I started a facebook page. It's not only to keep track but to also share what we learn and do with the world! Its very rewarding to hear my daughter say, "Don't throw that away, we can make a craft out of it" or to hear my kids say their ABC's.

I love building my page and sharing ideas with everyone and I hope to always be doing this. One day, I hope to be hosting mommy and me classes and teach everyone how some simple household things can be great learning tools, but I am in no rush. For now, I just love being the mommy I am today! Thank You for reading. 

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