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Today's Mom
Jul 29, 2013
Ibana V.
Hair Holistic Mom
Website: Hair Holistic

Being a mom has been a blessing in my life but also it's been the hardest role I've ever had to play as a woman.  Besides being super-mom, a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a friend, my career as a professional stylist of 25 years has been my identity for many years. I find that it all means that I have to be strong mentally and emotionally to be able to handle all these different roles. As a mom and a businesswoman, I have to be away from home a lot so I’m very grateful that my husband has been really supportive by taking care of the kids.

I want my kids to become positive and productive human beings.  I am not a traditional mom but I do try to encourage them to explore the world and get them exposed to many different experiences so that they will grow up with great memories. I also teach them to care for the environment, have empathy for animals and love nature in general.  We plant trees even have a small herb garden in our home.  It's really wonderful to have fresh herbs for when I have the time to cook.

We don't get to do it all the time, but we like to travel as a family especially to South America so my kids can spend time with our family there.  I think it’s really important to raise them to appreciate learning about the world and to never forget their roots.

It is certainly not easy being a mom and owning a business but I do try my best so that the kids and I share many special moments together. I feel more gratitude now for my own parents who raised me.  They weren’t perfect but I know they did their best…just as I am doing my best for my own children.  I can only hope that they grow up knowing that.

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