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Today's Mom
Jul 2, 2013
Alisa A.
Travel Mom

Alisa Abecassis is a single mom who lives in Irvine, California. Along with her three children Lilia, Isaac and Joel she has traveled extensively throughout the United States on a quest to see all 50.

Alisa grew up in Los Angeles and had worked as a dress designer before getting married and working together with her husband in the property management business. When her marriage of 12 years ended in 2004 she felt it was important to create a family history for her and her children and so she set out on a series of road trips across the U.S.

Having never gotten a college degree, Alisa went back to UCLA and earned her Bachelors in Political Science in 2011.

Alisa enjoys, many fun activities but nothing more than packing her bags and setting out on another road trip with her kids.

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