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BLOG: firstpaige

The name game

By Paige Herman-Axel on Jul 26, 2013

I’ll admit it… I’m terrible with remembering people’s names. If I had my druthers, everyone would wear nametags—all the time. This presents a particularly problematic issue when meeting mommies, especially when things escalate beyond standard interactions like passing on the walkway into school or camp, when you really only have a chance to say “Good morning” or “Have a great day.” But when I’m actually standing face to face or in a social situation with a fellow mommy who’s not actually one of my “friends,” I’m the first to admit I’m horrible with names—but that I totally remember meeting them (at some point). And truth be told, I might have a conversation with someone upwards of 5 times before I remember their name despite full-on knowing who they are.

This little issue of mine carries over to my cell phone, and seriously, you might crack up reading my list of contacts. There’s “Ashlee Jonah’s mom,” “Blonde Jake’s mom,” “Redhead Sara’s mom,” etc., and most of the time these monikers do absolutely nothing for helping me remember the mom’s (or the child’s) name when I actually see them. But, at least I have an idea of who’s calling before I decline the call (which is my M.O.) since I’m usually in the middle of something when my phone rings.

Instead of feeling bad that perhaps I’m too lazy or too preoccupied to remember people’s names, I prefer to think it’s early onset something. But truth be told, I know this is a major shortcoming. Yes, I could berate myself for this less-than-stellar quality (and I do), but at the end of the day this is one area where I can accept my limitations (and focus on my strengths in others).

So spill… What’s your mommy shortcoming? Come on, you know you want to…


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