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How I Save The Earth from My Own Living Room

By Jaya Pandey on Jul 29, 2014

Hey! Isn’t this blog about parenting, cooking and all the mommy stuff? It sure is. I am a mother who, just like any other mother, wants the best for her children. And that is why I am writing this post. I want my kids to have a better future but the way we all are treating our planet right now, the chances of better future are being compromised. Good education, brain-improving activities, nutritious food and our love won’t be enough for our kids if they end up with a polluted home. So I decided to write down some tips that we all can implement ‘very easily’ in our daily life and make Earth a better place to live.

Almost everyone knows these things but how many of us work on it? You don’t need to compulsorily go to rallies and meeting to save this planet. You just need to do your bit by following at least one of these tips. Trust me, even one tip will do tons of favor for our home Earth. My house may not be sparkling clean all the time but I practice these tips. It is a habit that my parents passed on to me. And while we all are busy teaching our kids a lot of things, lets add these tips to the curriculum as well.

How to save Earth from your living room

Tips to save the Earth from your living room

*Always turn off the lights and other electric appliances before leaving a room. Now that's a no brainer. Every time I take my daughter to bathroom to wash her hands, I make her turn off the lights and treat it as a fun game.

*While brushing teeth or washing face or doing dishes, turn off the faucet when you don’t need water. It is a very common habit among people that they turn on the water to dampen their tooth brush and leave it on while they are brushing their teeth. Seriously, what for are you letting that water drain? Just turn it off and turn it on when you need it. It is that easy.

*Use environment friendly detergent. I switched my regular detergent to a biodegradable one and there is nothing to complaint about. My clothes are as clean as they earlier were and I am doing a favor to all the fishes and fish eaters. How? I am draining less hazardous material to drainage which usually end up in lakes and sea, where the fish comes from (see how smart I am to know that).

Saving Earth from my living room

*Replacing one tub bath a week with a shower. Just once a week. That is not much to ask for. And it will save a lot of water. If you are a mommy, you probably are surviving on showers only. If not, consider this point and try it once.

*Please don’t litter. If I am outside and I am unable to find a dustbin to dump a wrapper or a coffee cup, I keep it in my bag or car and discard it when I reach home.

*Load your dish washer to full. Every time you run a half loaded dish washer, you are wasting electricity plus water.

*When ever possible, go print free, be it your bank statement or credit card statement or mobile bill. I use electronic services and try my best not to print what I can work electronically or without.

These are the tips that I implement. There are many other tips and I sure can list them here but I want to hear from you guys. What things you do to help our environment? And for those who are wondering how this all will help, here is how it works.

How do these tips save the Earth?

*Electricity is produced from different sources like coal, water etc. Coal is a fossil fuel which takes millions of years ( and lots of heat and pressure) to form underground. It is a limited resource and so is gas. For electricity from water, we usually need a dam. Making a dam can disrupt the ecosystem of a river or lake and affect its inhabitants. By using what you need and not wasting electricity, you are conserving the fossil fuel and our ecosystem.

*Water covers nearly 71% of Earth out of which oceans hold 96.5% of water (which is salt water and we can’t drink that). Only 3.5% of this water is fresh water which we use to drink, bath, wash our car, do dishes with and all that stuff. Judge it yourself. It is not a great idea to waste the precious 3.5% that we have, plus we will be sharing it with our children. If we will waste it all, what will they get?

*By using biodegradable products, we are sending less hazardous products back to Earth, through drainage, through our trash, through smoke. This all end up on Earth which produces food for us and the animals we eat. So the more dangerous stuff we will throw out, the more it will be consumed by plants and animals and the more it will be transferred back to us. It is a cycle.

*By going paper less, you literally are saving trees. Papers are made of trees and the more you waste paper, the more trees will be cut down to produce more paper. And just a reminder, trees produce oxygen that we breath and need to stay alive. Well they also produce many other things like food etc for us and many other animals.

If you are wondering what difference would it make if its only you who follow any ritual that is in favor of this planet, don’t worry you are not alone. There are many people who are working with you. And if you still have a doubt, how about placing a bucket under a leaking faucet in your house for an hour. You will see what all those small leaking drops can sum up to.

Friends, I would love to hear from you all about what all tips you follow to protect Earth. Please share your views in comment section.

How can you save Earth from your living room

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