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BLOG: firstpaige

The Big Sleep

By Paige Herman-Axel on Jul 17, 2013

One of the main reasons I’m sticking with one child is the lack of sleep that
accompanies a newborn. Yes, I understand that it’s only a short period of time in the
grand scheme of things, but as a working mom who doesn’t love having a live-in
nanny (I know this from experience), the six or so months before my son slept
through the night were pretty rough. (Just ask my husband.) I thought these days
were well behind me, but apparently they’re not.

If you’ve been following this blog, you know that my son won’t get out of his bed (or
room) unaccompanied. This gave me some bragging rights when friends were
dealing with their kids roaming around the house at all hours—but now that my son
has been calling me to take him to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the last
laugh’s on me. But it’s so not funny.

It could be 1:30, 3:30 or 4:45, and I hear “MOMMY, MOMMY.” And I fully go into his
room, turn on a few lights, take him to the bathroom, tuck him back in—and try to
fall back asleep. My husband and I have explained that big boys go to the bathroom
by themselves (and there are nightlights to illuminate the way) but so far this isn’t
working. I certainly don’t want to threaten any punishment in this situation because
the only thing worse than shuffling across the house in the middle of the night is
changing sheets in the middle of the night.

We’ve already cut back on liquids before bedtime so I don’t know what else to do...

Any suggestions?


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